Keep Iowa Growing provides a commitment to retaining farmland and ensuring the land will stay in production as it has for generations.
The farmland will continue to yield, while the causes you care about will benefit from your legacy of giving. Gifts of farmland are flexible and beneficial for both you and the causes you choose to support.
Fields of Opportunity
- Keep Iowa Growing offers the flexibility to make a gift of farmland as either an outright gift or a retained life interest.
- You have the option of suggesting a tenant farmer who will continue farming the land.
- Any charities of your choice can be named to benefit from the farm revenue, thus receiving a legacy of sustainable funding.
- Your county will continue to maintain its tax base as the land stays on the property tax rolls.
Keep Iowa Growing Offers the Unique Flexibility to Make a Gift of Farmland
• Retain the ability to live on the farm and/or retain the income for your lifetime.
• Receive maximum charitable benefits and make wise estate planning decisions.
• Provide a lasting legacy to the community and causes you love.
Benefits of Giving a Gift of Farmland
- Your legacy lives on as your wishes are carried out, giving you control over the land you love knowing it will support your favorite causes forever.
- Your farmland stays farmland with continued production by your tenant farmer of choice.
- Landowners receive a tax deduction for the charitable portion of the gift.
- Gifts may be eligible for Endow Iowa Tax Credits, a 25% Iowa tax credit.
- Capital gains taxes can be avoided or reduced.
- The asset of farmland is removed from the possibility of estate taxes.